In phase 2 of a secondary distribution SCADA automation project, system integrator Lucy Switchgear have been working closely with the Electricity Company of Ghana to provide a full turnkey automation solution.
Network Tasman is a customer trust-owned electricity distribution company whose principal activity is to distribute electricity to approximately 30,000 rural, residential, industrial and commercial customers.
PowerNet Limited, based in Invercargill, New Zealand, is a joint venture company that manages the electricity reticulation networks of The Power Company Limited, Electricity Invercargill Limited, and OtagoNet Joint Venture.
Flathead Electric recently completed a major upgrade to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) that allows remote communication with Co-op substations.
Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative (SSVEC) serves about 45,000 customers over 6500 sq. miles of SE Arizona, USA.
PowerNet reduces their number of nuisance alarms by over 50% in just a few months from installing AlarmWatch.
Dakota Electric Association (DEA), founded in 1937 by a group of farmers, is a member-owned, non-profit electric utility.