Mission accomplished – yet another successful iFIX training course – February 2019!
Mission accomplished – yet another successful iFIX training course – February 2019!
Thank you very much to all those who attended the February course – it was a pleasure getting to know you and we look forward to continuing our work with you!
It is always good to catch up with end users, engineers & systems integrators in person – the open sharing of knowledge & experience helps us all get more out of our investments in SCADA software.
To see what topics are covered in an iFIX training course, visit https://www.catapultsoftware.com/news/ifix-training-course-auckland-february-2019.html,
If you are interested in attending an iFIX course or have specific training needs that you would like us to assist with, please email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.